Only three companies have submitted bids for the construction and operation of a new desalination plant in Israel

The extension and improvement of the Corralejo desalination plant (Fuerteventura) goes out to tender for more than three million euros

Codelco to award desalination plant project worth more than 1 billion dollars this year in Chile

The New South Wales government has approved the planning application for the construction of a new desalination plant in Belmont, Australia

Algeria is preparing a new contingency plan to increase desalination capacity by considering the construction of six desalination plants in addition to three new plants under the existing plan

An MIT-led research team creates graphene oxide foam that can remove uranium and other heavy metals from drinking water

Pre-commercial public procurement for the development of seawater desalination solutions

Andalucía announces tenders for water projects worth more than 166 million in September

The event on desalination and the environment that the European Desalination Society was going to hold in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria this autumn has been postponed until March

ITC studies the impact of climate change on seawater desalination systems in the Canary Islands

The Chilean Desalination Association (ACADES) creates a Legal Committee to promote a new regulatory framework for the industry

The Balearic Water Agency earmarks 2.6 million euros for maintenance of the Santa Eulària desalination plant (Ibiza)

El gobierno de Chile ha presentado su Plan Contra la Sequía en el que se potenciará el uso de la desalación de agua, entre otras medidas

EPSAR and Diputación de Castellón will invest 6.2 million euros to promote improvements in water management

A Barcelona study estimates that the impact of bottled water on ecosystems is 1,400 times greater than the impact of tap water

The Keppel Marina East desalination plant in Singapore became operational this summer. It has a dual installation that allows the potabilisation of reservoir water or seawater desalination

Aguas de Alcázar recovers the wetlands of Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) with reclaimed water from the WWTP

The National Irrigation Federation sees reclaimed and desalinated water as a complement to conventional water resources but not as a replacement alternative

Anthropogenic climate change is already affecting plankton populations in the western Mediterranean Sea



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