The Cabildo of El Hierro opens the deadline for the submission of bids for the expansion of the Frontera desalination plant until 16th December

The installation of two sand filters at the Gran Tarajal treatment plant (Fuerteventura) is put out to tender for 469,267 euros.

Contract awarded for the engineering study, consultancy and monitoring of the upgrade of the seawater desalination plant in El-Mactaâ, Algeria

MITECO highlights the “important role” of “non-conventional” resources, such as reuse and desalination, in water management in the Mediterranean

The Castellón Provincial Council is committed to the Water Plan project that will include desalination plants in the provincial network to guarantee water to all the towns

ABAQUA will channel water from the Palma desalination plant to all the towns of Mallorca

The Catalan Water Agency earmarks more than 4 million euros to promote water reuse in urban areas

Seopan forecasts that Spain will not meet EU hydrological investment targets for sustainable development

The European Commission will refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to comply with the agricultural nitrates directive and for not taking sufficient measures to prevent water pollution

The Saline Water Conversion Corporation, the Saudi governmental institution responsible for water desalination, publishes its roadmap for achieving environmental sustainability

A recent survey conducted in the UK, Spain and the Netherlands shows increasing confidence in the use of reclaimed water

MITECO authorises new emergency measures for the supply of water for irrigation in La Palma, including the installation of new mobile desalination plants in the port of Tazacorte

Design of the world’s first submarine desalination plant using reverse osmosis technology begins

Saudi Arabia is studying the economic, technical and environmental feasibility of using desalinated water in agriculture

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area and El Prat City Council have set up a new system to supply reclaimed water to the Bunyola Canal, which will improve its ecological status

The ACA allocates more than 4 M€ through 26 subsidies to promote the use of reclaimed water for municipal uses

A CSIC research team in Granada has designed biofilters with olive residues capable of purifying three of the ten most common drugs in urban wastewater

The Victoria & Alfred (V&A) Waterfront, a tourist site located near the seaport of Cape Town (South Africa) will have a seawater desalination plant

According to an annual report published by China’s Ministry of Natural Resources, the country has launched 135 seawater desalination projects, with a daily production of more than 1.65 million tonnes of water

Total contracted capacity for unconventional water production plants will reach 321 million m3/d by the end of 2021, according to IDA figures

Tender opened for the construction of a new desalination plant at Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island (Australia)

La Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) ha abierto el plazo para la presentación de ofertas para la construcción de una planta desaladora de agua de 100.000m3/día en el yacimiento de gas de Jafurah

El Consejo de Ministros aprueba la tramitación de la licitación por cerca de 38M € de la explotación de las plantas desaladoras de San Pedro del Pinatar I y II, que quedan fusionadas en una única planta

The Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla publishes the tender for the environmental monitoring service for the discharge of the desalination plants

The project for the remineralisation of two desalination plants in Fuerteventura (Corralejo and Gran Tarajal) has been put out to tender for more than 700,000 euros

Egypt plans to quadruple water desalination capacity by awarding private companies concessions from its sovereign wealth fund to build 17 plants over the next five years

Water sector calls for €4.9 billion/year in investments to guarantee urban services

The region of Axarquia (Malaga) is studying the construction of a desalination plant for the irrigation of subtropical fruit crops

The Moroccan government is to promote the construction of a large desalination plant to supply irrigation water to 5,000 hectares of crops in Western Sahara

Hong Kong’s first reverse osmosis desalination plant, which will have a capacity of 135,000 m3/day, will come on stream in 2023

A new project will enhance the uses of reclaimed water by improving the control of its quality through advanced genomics techniques

Water treatment and reuse works for the West of Tenerife have begun for 27 million euros

Abaqua approves the certification of the end of works of the third production line of the desalination plant of Formentera

The Algerian government reactivates the seawater desalination plant in Zéralda, a suburb of the city of Algiers in northern Algeria, which will supply 65,000 people with drinking water

Iraq and Saudi Arabia are discussing joint projects in the fields of energy (gas and solar) and water desalination, as well as petrochemical projects

A new project will promote the regeneration of water from wastewater treatment plants in the Maresme region (Barcelona)

Researchers deepen understanding of membrane design to enable desalination of high-salinity streams with lower energy input using membrane distillation

Properly treated wastewater will be reused to regenerate aquifers in a pioneering project in Tarragona

Extraction of high quality magnesium sulphate from seawater desalination brines

Tender for a study for the construction of a desalination plant to improve agricultural production in the region of Guelmim (Morocco)

Kuwait’s Ministry of Electricity and Water has issued a call for tenders for the desalination plant in Doha

Invitation to tender for advanced systems for the elimination of nutrients from reclaimed wastewater at the Roldán-Balsicas and Fuente WWTPs (Murcia)

The Fuerteventura Island Council plans to contract this month the extension and improvement of the desalination plants in Puerto del Rosario and Corralejo

ACUAES autoriza la firma del convenio con el Ayuntamiento de Miranda de Ebro (Burgos) para la ejecución de las obras de una nueva EDAR, con inversión de 16,5 millones

La española Typsa firma un contrato marco con la Saudi Water Parthnership Company para los servicios de ingeniería de supervisión de las obras de 14 plantas desaladoras y 12 EDAR

An international consortium consisting of Metito, Orascom and Cobra is awarded the contract for the construction of a new seawater desalination plant in Sfax (Tunisia)

Construction of the seawater desalination plant at Corso (Algeria) begins

The UAE will develop three new desalination projects in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Umm Al Quwain to address water security needs

Construction of Texas’ first public-private brackish water desalination plant approved

Two new reservoirs in Pampanico and Almerimar will guarantee desalinated water in El Ejido (Almeria)

MITECO launches a public consultation on the modification of the Hydrological Planning Regulation

The US Environmental Protection Agency will include three new regulations aimed at reducing pollutants – PFAs and nutrients – from industries.

The draft Royal Decree on packaging and packaging waste that promotes tap water consumption through fountains and the promotion of reusable packaging for water is out for public information

The desalination plant in El Aaiún (Morocco) will be commissioned by the end of this year

The Balearic Islands are launching the drafting of a plan for the use of reclaimed water for irrigation

The Catalan Water Agency plans a 28 million investment to increase the reuse of water from the Reus (Tarragona) wastewater treatment plant

The Association of Businessmen of Southern Spain (CESUR) demands in a report the construction of new hydraulic infrastructures on the Costa del Sol

Galicia opts for grouped management of water infrastructures to save costs

A research team from the University of Cordoba is developing a tool to predict the behaviour of aquifers and the water needs of farmers

The US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has announced the five winners of the CREATE phase of the Waves to Water Prize, a competition focused on using wave energy to develop desalination technologies

UAE University researchers develop new energy-efficient desalination system

EU wastewater market study published to identify size and structural characteristics, types of wastewater and wastewater treatment requirements

Research finds 20 million km3 of salt water stored deep in the earth’s crust, making groundwater the largest water reservoir on earth

The publication NPJ Clean Water is preparing a special edition on water and is looking for articles on brackish and seawater desalination, municipal water reuse, industrial and agricultural water reuse

Kenya declares state of national disaster due to severe drought

Seoul adopts artificial intelligence to transform sewage treatment plants and what South Korea calls “water reuse centres”

Only three companies have submitted bids for the construction and operation of a new desalination plant in Israel

The extension and improvement of the Corralejo desalination plant (Fuerteventura) goes out to tender for more than three million euros

Codelco to award desalination plant project worth more than 1 billion dollars this year in Chile

The New South Wales government has approved the planning application for the construction of a new desalination plant in Belmont, Australia

Algeria is preparing a new contingency plan to increase desalination capacity by considering the construction of six desalination plants in addition to three new plants under the existing plan

An MIT-led research team creates graphene oxide foam that can remove uranium and other heavy metals from drinking water

Pre-commercial public procurement for the development of seawater desalination solutions

Andalucía announces tenders for water projects worth more than 166 million in September

The event on desalination and the environment that the European Desalination Society was going to hold in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria this autumn has been postponed until March

ITC studies the impact of climate change on seawater desalination systems in the Canary Islands

The Chilean Desalination Association (ACADES) creates a Legal Committee to promote a new regulatory framework for the industry

The Balearic Water Agency earmarks 2.6 million euros for maintenance of the Santa Eulària desalination plant (Ibiza)

El gobierno de Chile ha presentado su Plan Contra la Sequía en el que se potenciará el uso de la desalación de agua, entre otras medidas

EPSAR and Diputación de Castellón will invest 6.2 million euros to promote improvements in water management

A Barcelona study estimates that the impact of bottled water on ecosystems is 1,400 times greater than the impact of tap water

The Keppel Marina East desalination plant in Singapore became operational this summer. It has a dual installation that allows the potabilisation of reservoir water or seawater desalination

Aguas de Alcázar recovers the wetlands of Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) with reclaimed water from the WWTP

The National Irrigation Federation sees reclaimed and desalinated water as a complement to conventional water resources but not as a replacement alternative

Anthropogenic climate change is already affecting plankton populations in the western Mediterranean Sea

La SWPC ha enviado solicitud de cualificación para las empresas y consorcios interesados en el Programa de Pequeñas Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales en la región de Jazan

Aprobada la contratación de las obras de reparación de la desaladora del Bajo Almanzora

Brasil anuncia la construcción de la mayor planta desaladora del país, que se construirá en el estado de Ceará (noreste) y permitirá el abastecimiento de 720.000 personas a partir de 2025

La Consejería de Transición Ecológica del Gobierno de Canarias ha adjudicado la redacción de un estudio para valorar la implantación de plantas desaladoras en La Gomera

El CDTI licita 11,5 millones para proyectos innovadores de desalación en Gran Canaria

Aprobado el Plan DSEAR para mejorar la gestión y eficiencia de las políticas del agua

Fuerteventura licitará en unas semanas las obras de ampliación y mejora de las desaladoras de Corralejo y Puerto del Rosario, en las que se invertirá más de cinco millones en total

Acuaes firmará un convenio con el Cabildo de Lanzarote para la ejecución y explotación de dos proyectos de depuración que permitira la reutilización para riego agrícola con una inversión de 27 millones de euros

Emaya will purchase desalinated water this month to guarantee supply to Palma

Taiwan relies on desalination to meet semiconductor industry’s water demand

Nace la Asociación Chilena de Desalinización (ACADES) con el objetivo de fomentar el desarrollo de la desalación de agua en Chile

Proyectan millonaria inversión para ampliar Planta Desaladora Norte de Antofagasta (Chile)

Marruecos destina 50 millones de euros para mejorar los sistemas de depuración que desembocan en el río Bouregreg, en la región de rabat-Salé-Kenitra

A concrete structure made from brine from desalination plants, which has structural performance similar to Portland cement, is the centrepiece of the UAE pavilion at this year’s Venice Biennale

Asagua reclama un marco jurídico actualizado para la colaboración público – privada y considera insuficiente la cifra de inversión en agua prevista en el Plan de Recuperación

El municipio de Vera (Almería) consigue abastecerse íntegramente de agua desalada proveniente de Carboneras

La Ribera de Cabanes (Castellón) comienza a suministrarse de agua de la desaladora

Los acuíferos de Ibiza podrán recuperarse en un plazo de 20 años con el uso de agua desalada

Kuwait apuesta por la reutilización para aprovechar al máximo sus escasos recursos hídricos

Climate Fund Managers ha acordado cofinanciar y codesarrollar la instalación de hasta 200 unidades de desalinización solar en el condado de Kitui (Kenia)

El nuevo borrador de contaminantes del agua potable de la EPA incluye 66 sustancias químicas,12 microbios y tres grupos químicos: sustancias perfluoroalquiladas y polifluoradas (PFAS), cianotoxinas y subproductos de la desinfección (DBP)

El sector petroquímico de Tarragona alcanza su máximo histórico de consumo de agua regenerada, con 5,4 hectómetros cúbicos

El ITC desarrolla una herramienta TIC que permite obtener datos de operación reales de plantas desaladoras

IDE Water Technologies firma un acuerdo con la Corporación Municipal del Gran Bombay (India) para desarrollar el proyecto de una planta desaladora de 200.000 m3/día, ampliable a 400.000 m3/día

Empresa española construirá las principales bombas sumergibles en la Planta Desaladora Jebel Ali

El Cabildo de Tenerife ha elegido Sibora, en la Isla Baja, para ubicar la primera gran desaladora del norte de Tenerife

La Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura prevé invertir entre 200 y 300 millones para conectar las desaladoras

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest (EOI) to participate in the tender process for the Rabigh 4 desalination plant (IWP), which will have a production capacity of 600,000m3/day, is open until 30th June

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will build 10 water desalination plants in the provinces of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi

The Aragonese Water Institute subsidises 27 new water treatment projects in the Pyrenees

Tenerife invests 1.8 M€ in the Alcalá II desalinated water regulating tank, one of the distribution and storage infrastructures associated with the Fonsalía desalination plant

Promedio Badajoz’s Depura Plan launches its first tender for the construction of the Lácara WWTP

Signing of the agreement to invest 142 million euros in the remodeling and expansion of the Palma II WWTP, which will increase its capacity and include tertiary treatment that will allow water reuse

Strong presence of our associates among the 10 companies and consortiums prequalified for the construction of the Ras Mohaisan desalination plant in Saudi Arabia

22.1 million awarded for the drafting and construction of the WWTP at Montaña Reverón (Tenerife) and the tender documents for the technical assistance services contract approved

The opening of tenders for the Moulay Brahim desalination plant (Morocco) has been postponed until 14 July

Jordan plans to build a desalination plant in the Red Sea, specifically in the Gulf of Aqaba in the south of the country

The Cabildo of El Hierro approves the expansion of the El Gofo desalination plant, with an investment of nearly 1,200,000 euros

The Government of Aragon has authorized the urgent tender for the construction of the Hecho-Sirresa wastewater treatment plant, for an amount of about 3.4 million euros

The Egyptian government plans to increase desalination plants tenfold and expects at least 14 plants to be operational in Egypt by 2022

China announces a new plan to increase water resources that will boost the construction of new desalination plants between 2021 and 2025 in the provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and Zhejiang, and in the city of Tianjin

Water desalination is one of Taiwan’s major strategic commitments

Namibia confirms plans to build a new desalination plant on the country’s central coast in a public-private partnership

World Bank approves $43.5 million loan to expand and improve water supply and sanitation in Dominican Republic

The Government of the Canary Islands is planning a desalination plant powered by renewable energies to supply irrigation water to the north-east of Lanzarote

SWPC announces 38 consortia interested in the programme to build a series of 20 small wastewater treatment plants in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia

The Inter-American Development Bank has approved a US$200 million loan to finance a water and sanitation programme for small communities in Argentina

The engineering consultancy firm Savener is awarded the design of the Barka V desalination plant (Oman), which will be executed by GS Inima

Construction completed on the Port Said desalination plant in Egypt, which will produce 150,000 m3/day

Saudi Arabia launches first large scale desalination plant to be 100% powered by renewable energy

The European Commission has given Spain an ultimatum to correct poor wastewater treatment in more than 300 urban agglomerations

Spain approves the Circular Economy Action Plan, with an axis dedicated to water reuse

SARS-CoV-2 concentration in wastewater reaches lowest level since late summer 2020

The alga Rugulopterix okamurae, which comes from the Pacific Ocean, has rapidly colonized the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia and North Africa, causing problems for desalination plants

Sewage mismanagement is the main source of microplastics in UK rivers

Sweden is first country to commercially produce wave energy

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology researchers develop new method to more cost-effectively extract lithium from seawater

Palma to host a Union for the Mediterranean water meeting in 2022

MITECO participates in a conference on public-private collaboration in waste water treatment

The University of Salamanca explains the origin of the salinity of the lagoons of Villafáfila and the river Salado

Asturian industry in favour of water reuse in its processes

Tender opened in Santa Clara (California, United States) for the development of a Purified Water Project to supply reused drinking water

Licitación abierta para la construcción de la desaladora de Moulay Brahim (Marruecos) financiada por el FIEM

Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) will have a desalination plant powered entirely by renewable energies

Qatar plans to build a new power and desalination plant

Egipto apuesta por la inversión público-privada para desarrollar proyectos de desalación, depuración y reutilización y abre convocatoria de financiación

La SWPC ha seleccionado al consorcio formado por Engie, Nesma y Alajlan como licitador preferente para el proyecto Jubail 3B(Arabia Saudí)

Invitation to tender for the purchase of a seawater intake pump for the Lanzarote IV desalination plant

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife desalination plant reinforces its structure with three new wells to capture seawater

Luz verde a la contratación para el proyecto y ejecución de las obras del anteproyecto de saneamiento y depuración en Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz), por un valor estimado de 72 millones

4.3 million euro contract awarded for the works at the ETBAR in Playa de San Juan (Tenerife)

The Generalitat promotes the first steps to extend the desalination plant in Tordera (Girona)

The Balearic Islands agrees with MITECO an investment of 131 million for the Palma wastewater treatment plant. The preliminary project for the new WWTP is awaiting the Environmental Impact Statement before going out to tender, a procedure that will be resolved this month

The Department of the Environment and Sustainability of Melilla will soon put out to tender the works for the extension of the tertiary treatment of the WWTP for an amount of more than one and a half million euros

The feasibility of developing a regenerated water supply system for the Port of Algeciras (Cadiz) is being considered

The municipal council of Nelson Mandela Bay (South Africa) has approved the construction of a 15,000 m3/day desalination plant

State of California announces $5.1 billion water infrastructure investment package

EWEC to increase investment in desalination projects with lower energy impact in Saudi Arabia

Poseidon Water won a key approval in its long quest to build a seawater desalination plant on the Orange County coastline (California)

The irrigators of Hoya del Mollidar-Portichuelo will use reclaimed water from the WWTP in Yecla (Murcia) to irrigate 685 hectares

62 irrigation communities apply for the 80 hm3 of irrigation from the Torrevieja desalination plant

The winner of MIT’s Water Innovation Award was Bloom Alert, a Chilean platform that analyses real-time satellite data on ocean activity to improve the operation of desalination plants with early warnings

Interempresas is organising a digital conference on 27 May on techniques for sampling, analysis and extraction of microplastics in water

MIT researchers develop novel mechanical membrane cleaning system using subtle pressure changes

The Murcian Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Development (IMIDA) concludes in a new study that the use of ozone and reclaimed water benefits the cultivation of citrus fruits

Research describes an efficient way to transform maize stubble into activated carbon for use in water treatment

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is looking for innovative solutions to water scarcity in Spain

Governance and technological innovation, key to water reuse, say experts at AEAS technical micro-session

Between 6 and 20% of groundwater bodies could disappear, according to a University of California study compiling data from 39 million wells in 40 countries

According to a study, the high salinity of treated water in Ibiza makes it impossible to reuse it

Spain approves Climate Change and Energy Transition Law

Brussels sets ‘zero pollution’ of water, air and soil as a priority

EurEau sees the revision of the 1991 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive as “an opportunity to develop a new ambitious policy framework”

Oceans will lose their capacity to absorb carbon

Emirates to use electrically charged drones to boost rainfall

The National Water Company of Saudi Arabia invites pre-qualified local and international consortia to submit bids for operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment plants in the Eastern Region

The Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla will contract the drafting of projects for the replacement of turbines with isobaric energy recuperators at the desalination plants of Alicante I and San Pedro del Pinatar

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority has signed its first 35-year IWP project for the Hassyan desalination plant with UAE-based Utico for US$410 million

The Government of the Canary Islands is planning the construction of a desalination plant in Fuerteventura that will be 100% photovoltaic powered with a budget of 7.5 million euros

Saline Water Conversion Corporation has set a new Guinness World Records title for lowest energy consumption for a water desalination plant with 2.27 kW/h per cubic meter

Repsol to invest €5.5 million in its Cartagena plant to increase water reuse with the construction of an ultrafiltration plant

The Consejo Insular de Aguas de Tenerife (CIATF) invests 420,000 euros in a portable desalination plant of 1,000 m3/day, to guarantee the supply in the industrial area of Valle de Güímar

Castilla-La Mancha will invest 57 million euros between its own funds and recovery funds to build 24 new wastewater treatment plants until 2023

The Catalan Water Agency has put out to tender the contract for the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in Paz, in the Alt Empordà region (Girona)

Alicante increased the use of reclaimed water by 5.8% in the last year

The Catalan Water Agency approves the agreement to increase the production of 13 purified water reclamation stations on the Costa Brava

The Vice-President of the Government and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, propose to define an ecological flow and investing more in desalination

The first investments of the European Recovery Funds will go to wastewater treatment, waste and circular economy

Inter-American Development Bank report highlights the Canary Islands’ ingenuity and innovative capacity to overcome the challenge of water scarcity

Study on the mix of desalination plant and well water for banana production in the Gulf Valley (El Hierro)

A pilot project in the Canary Islands uses desalination brine as fertilizer for a hydroponic production system

The European Commission is launching a new platform on which it will publish research funded by Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020

A study by Esamur and the CTNC certifies the excellent quality of reclaimed water and its sanitary guarantee for agricultural use

Petrojet has awarded Nijhuis Saur Industries the design and procurement of the WWTPI for the new ANOPC hydrocracking complex (Egypt)

A study led by researchers from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) shows that the rate at which the temperature and salinity of Western Mediterranean waters are increasing has accelerated

Increased vigilance on Asian algae spreading along the Mediterranean coast

Groundwater contributes 60% more nutrients to the oceans than water from rivers

Un equipo de investigación de la URJC propone alternativas para la reutilización de las aguas residuales de refinería

The Chilean government wants to give greater prominence to water: it plans to transform the Ministry of Public Works into the Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources, an entity that will oversee and coordinate Chile’s 43 institutions that deal with water

Japan approves discharge of Fukushima water into the Pacific Ocean

Emirates Water and Electricity Company invites bids for Mirfa 2 desalination plant project in Abu Dhabi

Kuwait’s Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) is in the process of issuing a request for proposals to develop the second phase of a desalination plant EPC contract project

Oman Power & Water Procurement (OPWP) seeks technical engineering consultants for project management and technical advice for two desalination projects: Ghubrah 3 and Barka 5

The Hydrographic Confederation of the Guadalquivir River bids for 61.9 million euros for the works to adapt the treatment plants in the area of Doñana (Seville)

IDA has finally decided to postpone its next World Congress in Sydney (Australia) until spring 2022

The National Cryptologic Center provides companies in the water sector with a free early warning service for cyber threats in industrial environments

Kenya and Tanzania opt for water desalination to increase their drinking water coverage rate

The first hydrogen plant with reclaimed water will be implemented at the Arroyo Culebro wastewater treatment plant in Pinto (Madrid) and will cost 24.5 million euros

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has presented the Royal Decree on pollution caused by nitrates, which aims to reduce pollution caused by excess nutrients by 50%

European irrigators see the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council as an opportunity to promote and encourage the reuse of water for agricultural irrigation

The 29 treatment plants in the Vega Baja (Alicante) will reuse all water through tertiary treatment and desalination

31 million euro contract awarded for water treatment and reuse works in Granadilla (Tenerife)

African Development Bank to provide $109 million loan to Egypt to upgrade Louxor’s wastewater treatment plant to allow for reuse

53 million investment to increase the production of reclaimed water from the treatment plants of Gavà and El Prat de Llobregat

The Catalan Water Agency has approved the agreement to reactivate 13 water reuse stations in various parts of the Costa Brava (Girona)

Panama City approves plan to invest $305 million in upgrades to the city’s drinking water, wastewater and stormwater management infrastructure

Abengoa completes construction of the 113,500 m3/day desalination plant in Salalah (Oman)

Morocco plans to build a large desalination plant in Casablanca by 2027. The project is in the detailed studies phase and will be built in partnership between the public and private sectors

EU Commission adopts common approach to monitoring COVIDー19 through wastewater monitoring

A study in wastewater from the University of Burgos detects SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil in November 2019

The CEOE has published a document on the use of reclaimed water in industry as a “very important asset to be taken into account”

Wastewater treatment systems that combine conventional technologies with a membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) achieve better results and lower energy costs

New ionic liquid discovered ten times more efficient for use in emerging directional solvent extraction desalination technology using low-temperature thermal energy

Traces of antidepressants reaching the ocean are changing fish behavior

India’s Va Tech Wabag Group will build three steam compression seawater desalination plants in Libya

The final report of the results of the Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) aimed at startups, entrepreneurs and researchers for brine valorisation projects and new desalination processes is available

Authorization of the financing of a pumping station for reclaimed water from the WWTP 1 of Palma to the Can Guidet reservoir for the irrigation reservoir of Pla de Sant Jordit

La Palma’s countryside bets on the use of reclaimed water

The International Desalination Association (IDA) postpones conference on water reuse in Rome (Italy) to June

The Bajo Almanzora desalination plant protection works are put out to tender for 9.3 million euros

The consortium formed by South Korea’s Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, France’s Engie and Saudi Arabia’s Mowah and Nesma has closed a $707.8 million deal to build the Yanbu 4 Desalination Plant (IWPP) in Saudi Arabia

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently awarded the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) $72,632,000 to provide low-interest loans to fund water projects in Texas

Saudi Arabia has announced the implementation of two wastewater infrastructure projects in Yanbu worth $33.6 million

The public information process for the first Circular Economy Action Plan 2021-2023 is open until February 26th. One of the 8 main lines of action is about water reuse

The design, engineering and construction project for the Jubail-II desalination plant (Saudi Arabia), with a capacity of 400,000m3/day, has been awarded to Metito by SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation

Murcia will allocate 4 million euros to modernize the sanitation of the WWTP of Alcantarilla

Chilean mining industry plans to build 15 desalination plants by 2028

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s (BMC) plan to set up a desalination plant in Mumbai received an in-principle approval from the civic standing committee

A study supports the installation of a floating solar field at the Las Palmas III desalination plant (Gran Canaria)

ACUAES signs the agreement for the construction and operation of the new Silvouta WWTP (Santiago de Compostela) with an expected investment of 68 million euros

A new international study concludes that about half of the world’s wastewater is treated, instead of the previous estimate of 20%, and that only 11% of reclaimed water is reused

European Desalination Society (EDS) holds webinar on innovations in desalination and brine processing

98% of reclaimed water is reused in the Region of Murcia and already represents 15% of the total water used for agricultural irrigation

The municipalities of l’Horta Sud (Valencia) will have a comprehensive sanitation project with the dual objective of reducing the pollution load in the Albufera and increasing water reuse, mainly for irrigation

Atlantic Ocean is widening due to a rare geological phenomenon

The Life 3E project will combine the reuse of water from the Comillas WWTP (Cantabria) with the generation of continuous energy through reverse electrodialysis (EDR), by bringing treated water and seawater into contact with each other

Sea level rises more than expected due to temperature rise according to new scientific model from University of Copenhagen

An investigation alerts to the presence of emerging pathogens in water reused for irrigation after analyzing water samples from a WWTP located in the province of Valencia

Experts warn of “significant water deficit” in Germany, especially in the last three years

Metals recovered from brine could be used in electronic devices

Cala Tarida (Ibiza) will irrigate its gardens with reused water from summer onward

Miguel Polo Cebellán is the new president of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar

Cybercriminals have infiltrated the computer system that controls a water facility in a city in Florida (USA) and have managed to manipulate the recommended chemical levels, but without harming the population

The Saline Water Conversion Corporation of Saudi Arabia extends the bidding date for the Jubail desalination plant until January 24th

The Saudi Water Partnership Company has made public the 44 companies that have submitted expressions of interest for the Ras Mohaisen desalination plant construction project, once again with a strong presence of our associates

The bidding process for the construction of a new desalination plant in the Mexican city of Los Cabos is open until March 8th

Algeria to build new desalination and water treatment plants by 2030

Esamur launches a tender for 80.2 million euros for the operation of 82 of the 98 treatment plants in the Region of Murcia

The city of Benidorm (Alicante) is studying the construction of a desalination plant

The Saudi Arabian company Aramco has cancelled the bidding process for the construction of a 100,000 m3/day desalination plant it had planned to build in the Jafurah gas field

Saudi Arabia’s Saline Water Conversion Corporation has prequalified seven companies for the planned privatization of the Ras al-Khair integrated desalination and power plant

Water reuse approved in India’s Capital, New Delhi

Turkey suffers a severe drought, with reservoirs at record low levels

Uruguay analyzes the construction of a desalination plant

The European project EERES4WATER presents Wave2O™, a novel wave-driven desalination technology

The water supply produced in Ibiza’s three desalination plants exceeds that from wells for the first time, relieving the pressure on the island’s aquifers

The Mutxamel (Alicante) desalination plant avoids extracting already 50 million liters per day from the aquifers

The City Council of Roquetas de Mar (Almería) has requested an increase in the amount of desalinated water from the Campo de Dalías desalination plant, with the aim of 100% of the municipality’s drinking water supply being desalinated

The LIFE-3E project of the University of Cantabria seeks to recover energy from treated water in wastewater treatment plants

The new Hydrological Plan of the Cantabrian Sea Hydrographic Confederation (CHC) will reinforce actions to reuse water from industries

An agreement to irrigate 900 hectares of olive groves with regenerated water in Jaén has been signed
