The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has invited tenders for the construction of a 200,000 m3/day desalination plant in Manori (India)

CDTI Innovation is looking for a Spanish company to collaborate with China in the engineering design and management of a floating miniaturised integrated system for marine photovoltaic power generation and seawater desalination

California’s State Water Resources Control Board to approve regulations that will allow direct potable reuse of waters

The Chilean Senate approved a bill that empowers the Ministry of Public Works to build desalination plants and other water works, a legal power that was previously lacking

The Mancomunidad de Canales de Taibilla will reinforce environmental monitoring of the outfalls of its desalination plants to ensure that brine discharges do not pose a problem for underwater fauna and flora

The government is committed to building a fourth desalination plant in the municipality of Sant Josep (Ibiza)

The Government of the Balearic Islands will invest 200 million next year to improve the water cycle. Among the planned actions is the updating of the machinery of the desalination plant in Palma

The municipality of Estepona in Malaga approves the new water works plan, which includes the construction of a desalination plant

The Canarian government is studying where to locate the new desalination plant in the south of Fuerteventura

Irrigators in l’Alacantí begin to desalinate water from the Tibi reservoir for sensitive crops

The desalination plant of the Las Galletas Irrigation Community (Tenerife) makes the great leap to solar energy with an investment of 3.4 million euros

MITECO plans to install photovoltaic plants at the Torrevieja, Águilas and Valdelentisco desalination plants to bring the average cost of water down to 33 euro cents per cubic metre

The Marbella desalination plant could be expanded to 20 cubic hectometres with a change of membranes in the racks and the installation of new modules

The STN Group, the second largest tile manufacturer in Spain and Europe, will build a pipeline to the desalination plant in Moncofa (Castellón) to guarantee the water needed to expand its factories

The Catalan Water Agency’s Plan for the Reuse of Regenerated Water in Catalonia foresees the generation of 120 hm3 by 2027, with an estimated investment of 126 million euros in equipment

A study reveals a gigantic underground freshwater reservoir under the island of Sicily that dates back six million years

Catalonia is searching for water in its aquifers in the midst of a historic drought, but 40% of them are in poor chemical condition, mainly due to an excess of nitrates caused by pig farm slurry and agricultural fertilisers

A study claims that millions of microplastics are “raining down” daily on Spain’s most densely populated cities, causing serious health problems for citizens

Recent drought-related data compiled by the UN point to “an unprecedented emergency on a planetary scale, where the massive impacts of human-induced droughts are just beginning to manifest themselves”

The Junta de Andalucía has announced the installation of portable desalination plants in Axarquia and Marbella in view of the extreme drought situation in the province of Malaga

Barcelona will be supplied with water by boats from March onwards if it does not rain

Andalusian irrigation organisations unite to call for solutions to the water shortage

Irrigators in Lorca do not plant new crops during the first fortnight of December due to lack of water

Water shortage forces Cartagena farmers to cut winter production by a third

The blue economy, which includes desalination, already accounts for 2.7% of the Canary Islands’ GDP

More than 40 countries, including Spain, join forces to restore degraded rivers and wetlands and protect ecosystems

SETAᴾᴴᵀ participa en el diseño y fabricación de una planta desaladora en skid para el segundo paso de ósmosis inversa de la planta desaladora Barka V (Omán)

La UTE formada por Global Omnium y Tedagua comienza la explotación de la planta desaladora de Mutxamel (Alicante) tras la adjudicación de Acuamed por dos años, prorrogables a cuatro

NX Filtration y Nijhuis Saur Industries se asocian para hacer frente a la escasez de agua

Las membranas de nanofiltración de alta productividad FilmTec™ Fortilife™ NF1000 de DuPont, que permiten la reutilización con menor consumo energético, se comercializan ahora en todo el mundo

La planta desaladora de Alkimos (Perth, Australia) ha recibido la aprobación medioambiental de los organismos reguladores estatales y federales, lo que supone un paso más cerca para su construcción

La presidenta de la Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla, Francisca Baraza, ha asegurado que se van a destinar 10 millones de euros a las desaladoras 1 y 2 de Alicante para mejorar su eficiencia y ampliar su área de influencia

La Cámara de Diputados de Chile aprueba por unanimidad el proyecto de ley que permitirá al Ministerio de Obras Públicas construir y concesionar plantas desaladoras con fines potables, de saneamiento y riego

Abaqua saca a concurso público el proyecto para aumentar la capacidad de producción de la planta desaladora de Santa Eulària (Ibiza)

La UE invertirá casi 200 M€ en ayudas y préstamos en un proyecto de construcción de una planta desaladora en Amán (Jordania)

Abaqua inicia los trámites para sacar a licitación un proyecto para subsanar problemas de filtraciones detectados en la desaladora de Ciutadella (Menorca), además de otras intervenciones para la mejora y modernización de la planta

Namibia Water Corporation hace públicos sus planes para la construcción de una planta desaladora de gran capacidad junto a una central eléctrica en la costa central el país

La inversión en desalación de agua en España mediante energías renovables como la fotovoltáica es clave para reducir la presión de acuíferos “sobreexplotados”

ALADYR ha celebrado en Santiago de Chile su Congreso Bienal, que esta edición ha puesto el foco en la importancia de la desalación y reutilización del agua para la agricultura

Esta semana se ha celebrado en Madrid el Primer Congreso de “Descarbonización y sostenibilidad”, organizado por ANESE

Una nueva hoja de ruta publicada por el Departamento de Calidad Medioambiental de Arizona allana el camino para la adopción acelerada de la reutilización potable directa en Phoenix

“El Agua No Cae del Cielo” es el eslogan de la Generalitat de Catalunya para concienciar sobre la actual situación de extrema gravedad de sequía y hacer hincapié tanto en la falta de lluvia como en el origen mayoritario de los recursos: desalación y reutilización

La sequía en la región portuguesa del Algarve ha llevado a sus líderes políticos a defender la realización de estudios para la construcción de una segunda desaladora y el trasvase de agua desde la presa de Alqueva

España ha acogido la reunión del grupo técnico europeo de reutilización del agua

La desaladora de Águilas (Murcia) vuelve a suministrar agua a los regantes del Guadalentín tras una avería

El 41% del país se encuentra en situación de emergencia (14,7%) o alerta/excepcionalidad (26,3%) por escasez de agua, en especial Cataluña, mitad norte de Aragón, centro de Castilla y León, sur de Extremadura y Castilla-La Mancha y casi en toda Andalucía

La sequía se agrava en Cataluña y en los próximos días se entrará en fase de emergencia, que implicará más restricciones en el consumo de agua en municipios de las cuencas internas

El litoral de Málaga agotaría en marzo toda el agua potable si no lloviese más

Marbella prohíbe el baldeo de las calles y el llenado de piscinas privadas por la sequía

La Costa del Sol y la Junta plantean ampliar el uso de agua regenerada para baldeos y riego de parques

Casi el 60 % del territorio mexicano padece sequía de moderada a excepcional

Los microplásticos contaminan todas las especies marinas en las desembocaduras de los ríos

España se encuentra a la cabeza de Europa en el uso de hidrógeno verde

Several of our associates among the 9 companies and consortia that will be able to bid to develop, finance and operate two 600,000 m3/day desalination plants of the IWP Jubail 4 and 6

Chile’s president announces the construction of at least one desalination plant in the Coquimbo region and the approval of a law to facilitate the construction of desalination plants by the Ministry of Public Works

Morocco’s Minister of Water and Equipment has announced that a tender for the construction of a new seawater desalination plant in Nador will be launched by the end of the year

MITECO plans to put out the tender for the extension of the Torrevieja, Águilas and Valdelentisco desalination plants after signing the new desalinated water agreements with irrigators

Awarded 410,000 euro contract for the drafting of the photovoltaic plant project for the Alicante desalination plant

Authorities in the northeastern Australian state of Queensland are considering the construction of a large desalination plant to secure their water supply

The SWPC has announced the preferred and reserve bidder for the Al-Haer ISTP project, a wastewater treatment plant with a treatment capacity of 200,000 m3/day and a water reuse system

The drought in Tenerife is forcing the recovery of the desalination plant at El Chorrillo, which is currently in disuse

Desalinated water is the largest resource in the water resources mix of the Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla (supplying 80 municipalities in Murcia, Alicante and Albacete). In the last year its production has increased by 1.54%, to 85.49 hm3

Acosol plans to create a water ‘motorway’ and double the capacity of the Marbella desalination plant

From 7th to 9th November, a new edition of Aquatech will be held in Amsterdam, one of the most important water events, in which many of our partners will participate

In 2025 the public production of desalinated water in Tenerife will be over 110,000 cubic metres per day

Compromiso Minero, a network that brings together different organisations from the Chilean mining ecosystem, advocates that by 2025, 90% of the water used by this industry will come from the sea (salted or desalinated) or will be reused

Offshore desalination may be the opportunity to overcome the stagnation of the use of this technology in California, given the environmental opposition of regulators to the construction of plants

The First National Green Hydrogen Congress, organised by the Huelva Business Federation, will be held in Huelva in February 2024 and AEDyR members will benefit from discounts

Two of the three winners of the IDA Seville 2023 Summit Awards are Spanish companies

A new MIT study reveals that light can directly cause water to evaporate without the need for heat. This paradigm shift opens new doors to understanding natural phenomena and driving innovation in water desalination

By 2030, 20 desalination plants will be operational in Morocco. A total of seven plants are currently under construction, which will be increased to nine in the near future, and eleven desalination plants are operational

Mexico has very few desalination plants in operation despite the drought and shortages affecting several states

A study addresses the relationship between desalination in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and population growth

Technology for lithium brine concentration and water purification developed

The state of Balearic waters is getting worse every year: Chemical assessment analyses show an increase in petrochemical and plastic pollution due to heavy maritime traffic

Eight out of ten Andalusians show a high degree of “concern” about the drought

In the Balearic Islands 1,353 swimming pools have been built so far this year

The Catalan Water Agency does not rule out bringing water in boats to tackle the drought

The Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla will invest almost 10 million euros in the operation, maintenance and conservation of its desalination plants in Alicante

A CSIC study confirms that the summer of 2022 was the hottest summer in Spain in the last 700 years and that 2022 was also the driest year in the north-east of the country

Irrigators from three communities ask for more reclaimed water from the wastewater treatment plants in Orihuela (Alicante)

The second edition of the Desalytics Water Week virtual event will dedicate a full session to desalination and water reuse and will be held from 5th to 7th December

The Director General for Water at MITECO, Teodoro Estrela, explained that the promotion of non-conventional resources, such as reuse and desalination, is positioned as a fundamental element in guaranteeing supply

Desalinated water now reaches all homes in Almeria with the start-up of the connection between the La Pipa reservoirs (where the desalinated water arrives) and the San Cristobal and Santa Isabel reservoirs

The Andalusian regional government foresees water restrictions in the large Andalusian cities if it does not rain in a year, except in Almeria, which has a guaranteed supply thanks to its desalination plants

Norwegian company Waterise has just completed a successful demonstration of a pilot subsea desalination plant

The IDA is holding the Water and Climate Change Summit in Seville from 15 to 18 October

Spain hosted the fourth meeting of the European Commission’s technical group on water scarcity and drought

The Government will invest 11,839 million euros to promote desalination and water reuse, as well as to improve pipelines and regulation infrastructures due to the drought

ACUAES tenders the works for the Silvouta WWTP in Santiago de Compostela, with a budget of 53.9 million euros

The Cabildo of El Hierro will acquire 3 new desalination plants to tackle the water shortage on the island

The bidding process for the Al Shuqaiq 4 Independent Water Power Plant (IWP) project in Saudi Arabia is expected to start in the first quarter of 2024

Work on the expansion of the Blanes desalination plant (Girona) could begin in 2026 and the plant would be fully operational by 2030

6 consortia, including one of our partners, are competing for solar energy and water desalination projects on Egypt’s northern coast

Two AEDyR associates among the list of nine pre-qualified bidders for the development of the desalination plant for the Jubail 4 and 6 independent water project in Saudi Arabia

The project to build Brazil’s largest desalination plant for human consumption is expected to be completed in early 2024 and be operational in 2026

New desalination plant project approved in Alkimos, Perth (Australia)

The Mancomunidad del Sureste (Gran Canaria) requests the expansion of its desalination plant to increase its production capacity by 15%

The Cabildo of Tenerife will invest 18 million euros to provide the west of the island with regenerated irrigation water

The government of the state of Baja California (Mexico) has taken up the project to build a desalination plant in Playas de Rosarito, but now, it will be financed with federal and state public resources

Iraq deploys mega project to build a seawater desalination plant in Basra province

The Melilla desalination plant is expected to have a capacity of 32,000 m3/day in November and in December it will begin to be managed by the Autonomous City

The MITECO, through the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), will offer technical feasibility studies on possible projects for the use of biogas for thermal and/or electrical self-consumption

A startup from San Sebastian develops a technology to improve the efficiency of reverse osmosis membrane cleaning through sensors placed in the supply pipes

ULPGC researchers design an intelligent management system to store and increase the energy use of a desalination plant powered by renewable energies

The Spanish Federation of Food and Drink Industries calls for the promotion of the use of non-conventional water resources

Lanzarote will install two portable desalination plants of 5,000 cubic metres per day to stop the supply problems on the island and in La Graciosa

Tenerife is committed to deploying more portable desalination plants in different parts of the island to combat drought

The Government speeds up the improvement and expansion work on the Oliva (Valencia) treatment plant, which will reuse 4.5 hm3 of water for irrigation

The new desalination plant planned for the Escombreras Valley (Murcia) will discharge the brine into the pipeline of the Escombreras plant

A photovoltaic plant for self-consumption will be installed at the El Atabal desalination plant (Malaga), which will enable a 17.5% saving in electricity consumption

Manilva Town Council (Malaga) is studying the possibility of building a desalination plant with its own funding and funding from other administrations

Irrigators from the Costa Granadina region will ask for more infrastructures: more connections to new irrigation ponds and even a desalination plant similar to the one in Axarquia

The United Kingdom Water Industry Research is seeking expressions of interest from experts capable of undertaking specific research projects addressing key issues in the water sector

Protocol approved for the conversion of the Los Pilones water treatment plant into a desalination plant to improve water quality in the Guadalhorce, Costa del Sol and Axarquia regions (Malaga)

Morocco unexpectedly cancels Tangier desalination plant contract, Moroccan government plans to build a water highway instead

China significantly increased the use of non-conventional water resources to ensure water security by 2022

A new report by Bluefield Research forecasts that spending on municipal water reuse in Europe will grow from 140 million euros in 2023 to approximately 360 million euros in 2030

Tenders are invited for the refurbishment of the façades of the Alicante II desalination plant

Estepona (Malaga) has adopted a series of measures to reduce the demand on the urban drinking water supply: reducing the watering of green areas to 3 days a week, or washing down the streets with non-drinking water

The California Court of Appeal rules in favour of the County of Monterey County of Monterey to authorise permits for the construction of California American Water’s new desalination plant

MEPs on the Environment Committee have adopted their position on new rules for urban waste water collection, treatment and discharge, stressing the importance of increasing water reuse

From 30 September to 4 October, a new edition of WEFTEC, one of the most important international events in the water sector, is being held in Chicago

The next edition of the Membrane & Filtration Expo focusing on advances in these technologies for industrial and utility applications takes place in November in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

The Life Desirows project is now in its testing phase. whose objective is to eliminate nitrates from the groundwater of Campo de Cartagena, as well as to extract salts to obtain water for irrigation and fertiliser by crystallising the salts

Engineers from MIT and China aim to turn seawater into drinking water with a totally passive device inspired by the ocean and powered by natural sunlight

Barcelona’s market garden saves harvest thanks to wells and reclaimed water

Construction begins on a new 50,000 m3/day desalination plant in the Mangystau region (Kazakhstan)

CEAZA is developing the study “Oceanographic and Biological Foundations for the Planning and Design of Desalination Plants in Central-Northern Chile”, which provides scientific knowledge on the construction and operation of desalination plants in Chile

Cordoba is committed to increasing the use of reclaimed water

Indirect potable reuse in Barcelona: this article explains the different stages of this process, the contribution of reclaimed water to the Llobregat river eight kilometres upstream of the Sant Joan Despí drinking water treatment plant

The Segura can guarantee water for irrigation and industry until the end of the month and human supply “in principle should not be affected, not even in the coming months of the new hydrological year”

Consumption of desalinated water in the municipalities of Ibiza increases

Special Commemorative Award of the United Nations International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development for a student of the University of Almeria for his research on water reuse for irrigation

They are trying to develop a technology that replicates the stingray’s filtration system to remove microplastics from wastewater

With growing concern about water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change, the Flanders region of Belgium is considering the construction of desalination plants to secure water supplies

Dubai has set a target to increase the use of reused water by 100 per cent and reduce desalinated water consumption by 30 per cent over the next seven years

South Africa is considering bidding rounds for desalination plants and water reuse projects

The European Investment Bank has agreed to provide EUR 79 million in financing to support water desalination, access to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment in Djibouti

Almeria, one of the most arid provinces with the least rainfall, does not foresee water restrictions this summer, as years ago they opted for desalination and water reuse

The Saudi company ACWA Power has been awarded the operation of the Hassyan desalination plant (Dubai) with a capacity of 818,280 m3/day, after proposing the lowest world record levelised water tariff: 0.365 dollars per cubic metre

Va Tech Wabag and Metito consortium signs contract to develop a 400,000 m³/day desalination plant in South Chennai (India)

The Dominican Republic plans to develop a pilot plan to include water desalination in several districts of the country and expand its water resources

Saudi Arabia’s National Water Company (NWC) has started work on 12 major desalination projects worth USD 1.3 billion

Iraq has allocated funds for the construction of a new seawater desalination plant in Basra

The Bahrain Electricity and Water Authority has opened a tender for a $52.7 million upgrade of the Ras Abu Jarjour desalination plant

The Andalusian Regional Government is to spend almost 3.35 million euros to upgrade and improve the efficiency and quality of the water at the Marbella desalination plant

The Mogán Town Council (Gran Canaria) has approved the tender for the extension of the Playa de Mogán desalination plant, which will increase its production from 1,800 to 3,000 m3/day

The sharp rise in desalinated water consumption in Ibiza is brought forward by a month

The MITECO launches for public consultation the bases of the second call for subsidies within the PERTE for the digitalisation of the water cycle with a value of 200 million euros

IDE will execute the EPC of the desalination plant for the SADDN project, located in the Tocopilla area in northern Chile, which will supply desalinated water to three Codelco mines

Portugal’s Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, Duarte Cordeiro, has announced plans to publish the tender for the construction of the country’s first desalination plant, to be located in the municipality of Albufeira in the Algarve

Estepona Town Council (Malaga) agrees to build a desalination plant to guarantee the water supply

They propose the construction of a desalination plant in the Port of Huelva to guarantee 50 Hm3 of water for irrigation and supply

Floating solar-powered desalination plant wins Spain’s largest green ideas competition

EU to invest 150 million in Western Galilee desalination plant (Israel)

Saudi Arabia presents projects for Spanish companies in the water sector in Madrid

The Lower Guadalquivir calls for desalination plants, new reservoirs and direct aid for farmers because of the drought

Floating desalination plant barges installed to meet growing demand for drinking water during the Hajj season to Mecca and Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Battery-based electrochemical desalination technology developed to significantly reduce seawater desalination energy consumption

Different scientific studies predict that climate change will cause an increase in the proliferation of organic compounds that give taste and odour to water. The SÀPIDES project aims to anticipate and propose improvements in drinking water treatment

Confirmation that the flow of water over the surface of graphene is subject to quantum friction, which could have important implications for desalination

The UCLM seeks to obtain regenerated water of the highest quality for agricultural cultivation, without pollutants or traces of drugs

Researchers develop electrodialytic crystallisation, a more efficient and cost-effective method for removing salts from hypersaline industrial wastewater

The Water Reuse Consortium is born in the United States to address water challenges through innovative research, education, communication and collaboration between government, local communities, industry and academia

MITECO earmarks €1.4 billion to tackle the drought. The measures include the construction of 3 new desalination plants and the doubling of reuse capacity

Published in the BOE (Official State Gazette) the expansion of the Torrevieja desalination plant with a base tender budget of more than 70 million euros and a completion period of 20 months

The Government allocates 41 million euros to improve the efficiency of the Carboneras desalination plant

The Balearic Water Agency to invest 43.1 million in the remodelling of the Palma desalination plant

Strong presence of our partners among the 17 construction consortia that have been pre-qualified to build 21 seawater desalination plants in Egypt

Construction work begins on CODELCO’s desalination plant in Tocopilla (Chile)

The Government of the Canary Islands authorises the drilling of boreholes for the water intakes of the Salto de Chira desalination plant (Gran Canaria)

Cabildo de Tenerife and the Ministry of Agriculture sign an 18 M€ agreement to promote regenerated water in the south of Tenerife

The Melilla desalination plant will be the responsibility of the Autonomous City from December and the management of the plant will be in charge of a private company for four years and more than 13 million euros

The repair of the Bajo Almanzora desalination plant will be delayed by five months, as a new break has been detected in an underwater element

The Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura will allocate 20 hm3 from the Torrevieja desalination plant to the irrigation communities

The Mancomunidad del Taibilla earmarks almost 200 million euros for solar panels for desalination plants and facilities

The Palos Irrigation Community (Huelva) is committed to starting up desalination plants to guarantee the future of irrigation in the province of Huelva

Australian company LithTech is seeking funding to develop its magnesium separation technology that increases the efficiency of concentrate recovery

Experts call for the development of a National Desalination Policy in Chile

Iraq considers water desalination as an emergency measure to combat the drought in the Tigris and Euphrates

A new international study analysing water levels in nearly 2,000 of the world’s largest lakes and reservoirs reveals that 50% have lower water levels today than they did a few decades ago

The Government of Portugal declares severe and extreme drought situation in about 40% of the territory

The Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority (UAE) has invited pre-qualified contractors to submit bids for the Al Hamriyah desalination plant by August

Jordan’s Ministry of Water and Irrigation has extended the deadline for submission of financial and technical bids for the Aqaba-Amman Desalination and Water Transport Project until 3rd July

The Balearic Water Agency has put out to tender the installation of isobaric energy recovery equipment at the Alcúdia, Andratx, Ciutadella and Santa Eulària desalination plants to optimise energy consumption

A consortium consisting of ACWA Power, Haji Abdullah Alireza & Partners Company and Almoayyed Contracting Group has won the contract for the 600,000 m³/d Rabigh 4 desalination plant

Calpe (Alicante) has approved the extension of the Barranc Salat desalination plant with a planned investment of 1.6 million euros

Benidorm council wants to build its desalination plant and asks SPTCV to cede pumping and pipelines to it

The works to extend the treatment capacity of the El Atabal Brackish Water Desalination Plant (IDAS) have been completed, coinciding with its 18th anniversary

Work on the Corralejo desalination plant (Fuerteventura) will increase the flow by 1,000 cubic metres per day

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) will launch its second nanosatellite in April. The images from the two nanosatellites will improve the operational performance of desalination plants

A new study by the University of Alicante and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography suggests extending the safety distance of anthropogenic spills to 2.5 km to protect posidonia

Researchers are developing a new class of materials, so-called metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which can be used to selectively and more effectively remove the herbicide glyphosate from water

The Catalan Water Agency will allocate €50 million as an emergency drought relief measure

Morocco’s tomato industry is increasingly turning to seawater desalination plants to secure its water supply

Tunisian government plans to rely on desalination and water reuse to secure water supply

The Besòs Tordera Consortium has installed hydrants at 12 WWTPs to provide their municipalities with reclaimed water

The Andalusian Regional Government has granted the Unified Environmental Authorisation to six irrigation communities in Cordoba so that they can apply for the use of reclaimed water for irrigation

The Santa Cruz-Arona reclaimed water pipeline was the first water reuse system to come into operation in Tenerife in 1993

According to ICEX, India is one of the markets that offers new opportunities for Spanish companies in the water sector, and more specifically for those specialising in desalination

Oman inaugurates its first-ever floating desalination plant

California invests in projects to advance water desalination research and implementation to diversify water supply sources

The European Desalination Society (EDS) will present at its next Congress new awards in two different categories

Macron unveils France’s drought plan with target of reusing 10% of all wastewater by 2030

Brussels fines Catalonia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands for failing to submit on time the hydrological planning of their basins for the period 2022-2027

After almost two decades of process, UN member states have reached an agreement to protect the high seas, with the Global Oceans Treaty

More than a third of the drinking water in Cornwall, on the south-western tip of England, could come from desalination if plans to build two desalination plants go ahead

Researchers from the University of Cadiz are involved in the design of new membranes for wastewater treatment and desalination

El Gobierno aprueba aprueba los Planes Hidrológicos hasta 2027 con especial foco en la desalación y reutilización de agua

The Government authorises the contracting of services for the Alicante desalination plant for more than 30 million euros

200 million loan to the Government of Jordan for the Aqaba Amman Desalination and Water Pipeline Project (AAWDCP)

The Egyptian government is considering three bids from international companies to implement joint water desalination projects with a total capacity of 300,000 m3/day

The Balearic Government announces 25 million euros in efficiency aid for public administrations and companies that manage water treatment plants, desalination plants and water supplies

The Government of Chile has published a report on the opportunities and challenges of water desalination in the country

Catalonia begins tests to bring reclaimed water to the final stretch of the Llobregat river

The Consorcio de Abastecimiento de Aguas de Fuerteventura (CAAF) calls for tenders for the renovation of the pipes of the desalination plant of Gran Tarajal for 70,000 euros

ACWA Power plans 3 new #desalination projects in 2023, increasing its production capacity by up to 15%

Saudi Arabia will spend $104.7 billion on 3,300 water projects, including the construction of a new 800,000m3/day desalination plant on the country’s east coast

The Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC) is expected to announce the award of the Jubail 4 and 6 independent water project in the second quarter of this year. 35 companies, including several Spanish companies, have expressed interest in the project

Iran’s Ministry of Energy plans to increase desalinated water production capacity to 7 % by 2025

MITECO submits the Groundwater Action Plan 2023-2030 for public consultation. The deadline for submitting proposals, comments and suggestions is open until 13 March

The BOE publishes the order that subsidises desalinated water for irrigation in the Levante region

Almeria desalination plant undergoes a methodical review to measure its impact

The Balearic Water Agency will prioritise the reuse of water and energy neutrality

The Chinese-owned Swakop uranium mine near Arandis, Namibia, has proposed a joint venture with the Namibian government to build a second seawater desalination plant on the coast

Morocco to build three new desalination plants by 2023

Dutch political and technical representatives visited the Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante) to learn about water use and desalination plants in the region

Chinese scientists have developed a new method to transform seawater into hydrogen without the need for desalination
