XIII International Congress

‘Looking to the future’


Coinciding with our 25th Anniversary, on 13, 14 and 15 June 2023 we will be holding the 13th AEDyR International Congress in Granada.

It will once again be an outstanding forum to present the latest innovations, research and developments in desalination, water reuse and water treatment, as well as the perfect setting to bring together experts in these fields.

The historic city of Granada is an ideal place to hold this biennial international congress, as it has numerous technical and cultural attractions, and excellent national and international communications due to its proximity to Seville and Madrid.

The Community of Andalusia has numerous important water treatment infrastructures and is a benchmark in water reuse with the most advanced technologies in an area with a high need for water resources and which, together with other nearby regions in the Southeast and the Mediterranean, requires optimal water management.





09:30h - 10:25h<br />OPEN CEREMONY


Domingo Zarzo - Presidente de AEDyR

Susana Benavides - Director General for Planning and Water Resources of the Andalusian Regional Government

D. Hugo Morán Fernández - State Secretary for the Environment of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)


10:25h - 10:45h <br />KEY NOTE SPEAKER


Mohammed Alghamdi - Executive Director Business Development - Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC).

“SWCC Vision: the World’s Largest Desalination Producer”

Hamad Alfulayj - Director of the Engineering Projects Implementation Department - Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC).

“Saudi Roadshow of Products”
10:45h - 11:40h<br /> COFFEE BREAK - NETWORKING


11:40h - 13:45h<br />TECHNICAL SESSION 1

Innovation in Desalination and Re-use

Moderators: Mª Carmen García / Antonio Casañas


  • 11:40h - 11:45h - Session sponsored by GS INIMA
    Diego de Vera - Business Development Director - GS INIMA

  • 11:45h - 12:00h - Life Amia. Combination of Innovative Technologies for Water Reuse - Elena Zuriaga - FACSA

  • 12:00h - 12:15h - Control of Macrofouling in Intake Structures by means of Copper Anodes - Javier Arrieta - CADAGUA

  • 12:15h - 12:30h - Deep Reverse Osmosis Desalination System - F. Javier Sanchis - GLOBAL OMNIUM and Miguel A. Socorro - Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria

  • 12:30h - 12:45h - Hades: a Tool for Integral Predictive Control in WWTP using Digital Twins - Eduard Muñoz - ACCIONA 

  • 12:45h - 13:00h - Anphora® Technology: Upscaling of Anaerobic Raceways Enriched in Purple Phototrophic Bacteria for Domestic Wastewater Treatment - Eugenio Marín - AQUALIA

  • 13:00h - 13:15h - Application of Pronox and Granular Aerobic Sludge Technologies for Sustainable WWTPs - Oriol Carbó - GS INIMA

  • 13:15h - 13:30h - Biomimetic Membranes in Drinking Water Treatment, Pilot Experiences in the Poniente Almeriense - Lyvia Mendes - AQUALIA

  • 13:30h - 13:45h - Validation of an Innovative, Cost-Effective Solution with a Positive Energy Balance in the Treatment of Wastewater from Populations of less than 50,000 equivalent inhabitants - Lydia Saez - CANAL DE ISABEL II


11:40h - 13:45h<br />TECHNICAL SESSION 1

Water and Agriculture

Moderators: Manuel Latorre / Domingo Zarzo


  • 11:40h - 11:45h - Session sponsored by ESAMUR
    20 years Giving Water a Second Life - Ignacio Díaz - Manager - Entidad de Saneamiento y Depuración de la Región de Murcia (ESAMUR)

  • 11:45h - 12:00h - Life Phoenix: Innovative and Cost-Effective Treatments for Obtaining Water Suitable for Agricultural Irrigation According to the New European Directive - Enrique Lara - AQUALIA

  • 12:00h - 12:15h - Wastewater Reuse. A Successful Example in the Canary Islands - Elena Campos - SACYR AGUA

  • 12:15h - 12:30h - Aquifer Nutrient Recovery with Selective Monovalent Electrodialysis and Nanofiltration - Alicia Gómez - CADAGUA

  • 12:30h - 12:45h - Evaluation of an Ozonisation System Based on MNB as a Regeneration Treatment for Agronomic Purposes - Pablo Ruiz - AZUD

  • 12:45h - 13:00h - How to Desalt an Optimal Irrigation Water Flow - Antonio Sala - Etsii-UPM

  • 13:00h - 13:15h - Solutions to Guarantee Water Quality for Agriculture: SOS-Water-XXI Project - Patricia Terrero - SACYR AGUA

  • 13:15h - 13:30h - Implementation and Technical-Economic Evaluation of a Tool for Optimal and Efficient Fertigation in Technified Irrigation Headers - José Francisco Maestre - Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  • 13:30h - 13:45h - Spatial Interpolation of Irrigation Requirements in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico - Víctor Manuel Olmedo - Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (UACh). México

13:45h - 14:55h <br />LUNCH - NETWORKING
14:55h - 15:25h<br /> VISIT POSTER AREA






  • LIFE CONQUER: closing the water cycle, nutrients and resource management for irrigation - Eva Mena - EMUASA

  • Circular economy and sustainability: On-site minimisation of hazardous wastet- Carlos Benito - LABYGEMA

  • Study for the evaluation of the processes of reuse and recycling of reverse osmosis components and membranes in the Canary Islands and Macaronesia - Alejandro Caballero - BIOAZUL

  • Proposition to determine the carbon and ecological footprint of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants considering the energy mix. Case of study for the Canary Islands - Federico León - Universidad de la Palmas de Gran Canaria

  • The carbon footprint in the treatment of urban wastewater in peripheral or insular territories: Example in analysis of Canary Island (Phase 1: Inventory) - Teresa Pérez - Universidad de Sevilla

  • Study for the recovery and valorisation of phenolic compounds from stillage waste from the wine industry using membrane technology - Alexis López - Universitat Politècnica de València

  • Influence of the internal configuration on the performance of pilot membrane distillation modules operating at high salinity - Isabel Mª Requena - CIEMAT Plataforma Solar de Almería


15:30h - 17:30h <br />TECHNICAL SESSION 2

Circular Economy and Sustainability

Moderators: Eloy García / Alberto del Villar


  • 15:30h - 15:45h - Sustainable Ecosystems in Water Reuse. Dapclean Project - Marta Campabadal - GS INIMA

  • 15:45h - 16:00h - Can Recent Developments in Membrane Distillation Surpass Current Limitations of Brine Concentration with Solar Energy - Guillermo Zaragoza - CIEMAT

  • 16:00h - 16:15h - Optimisation of the Pretreatment Process using Recycled UF Membranes and Validation of Different Filter Media at the Alicante Desalination Plant - Sofía Pastor - SACYR AGUA

  • 16:15h - 16:30h - Life Indesal: Integrated Water, Energy and Resource Production for Sustainable Seawater Desalination - Olga Ferrer - ACCIONA

  • 16:30h - 16:45h - Application of Salinity Thresholds in Spanish Legislation. Energetic and Environmental Implications - Rubén Navarro - Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla

  • 16:45h - 17:00h - Innovative Brine Concentration Membranes to Lower the Cost of MLD/ZLD Treatment - David Arias - DuPont

  • 17:00h - 17:15h - Digitalisation in the Circular Economy: "Acciona's model" - Paula Pérez - ACCIONA

  • 17:15h - 17:30h - Zeolite, Filtration Engineering for Low Carbon Footprint Pretreatment, Comparative Models and Analysis of Alternatives - Leonardo Courtade - KEIKEN ENGINNERING 


15:25h - 17:30h <br />TECHNICAL SESSION 2

Contaminants of Emerging Concern, Micropollutants and Product News

Moderators: Daniel Prats / Elena Crespo


  • 15:25h - 15:30h - Session sponsored by ACCIONA
    Mª del Mar Micó - Head of Wastewater Treatment and Resources Recovery, at the Innovation Department - ACCIONA

  • 15:30h - 15:45h - Improvement of Tertiary Treatment by Digitisation and Combination of Different Technologies: Ozone, UV, Membranes - Carlos de Juan - XYLEM

  • 15:45h - 16:00h - Levels and Characteristics of Microplastics in the Treatment Stages of two DWTPs and two IDAMs in Catalonia - Fernando Valero - ATL

  • 16:00h - 16:15h - Study of Contaminants Present in Regenerated Water in the Soil/Plant System - Sofía Martínez-López - CTNC y ESAMUR

  • 16:15h - 16:30h - Innovative and Versatile Integrated Solution to Remove Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water Treatment Systems - Mª del Mar Micó - ACCIONA

  • 16:30h - 16:45h - Boosting SWRO Permeate Production without Compromising on SEC - Juan de Beristain - FEDCO

  • 16:45h - 17:00h - Microplastics in WWTPs. Current Problems and Innovative Biobased Solutions - Belén Gutiérrez - GS INIMA

  • 17:00h - 17:15h - A New Generation of Multi-Capillary PES Membrane, The Inge MB PRO - Gerard Mèlich - DuPont

  • 17:15h - 17:30h - New Generation of Compact, High Capacity Energy Recovery Systems - Víctor Alberto Ruiz- FLOWSERVE


Private cultural tour of the Alhambra

19:15h - Bus pick up at Hotel Abades Nevada
20:00h - Private visit to the Alhambra (Registered attendees only).
22:30h - Cocktail at Maria de la O Restaurant
23:45h - Buses depart for the hotel

09:00h - 9:15h<br /> PRESENTATION OF THE DAY


09:15h - 11:15h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 3


Moderators: Adolfo León / Miguel Ángel Sanz


  • 09:15h - 09:30h - Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration for Reuse of Municipal Wastewater: A Techno-economic and Lifecycle-based Comparison to Conventional Membrane Treatment - Ignacio Martín - NX FILTRATION

  • 09:30h - 09:45h - Clarification of Biofouling Mechanism and Development of Novel PVDF UF Membranes for RO Pretreatment - Shun Shimura - TORAY INDUSTRIES, Inc.

  • 09:45h - 10:00h - Application of Hollow Fibre Nanofiltration Membranes in the Pretreatment of Gallery Water - Antonio Giménez - AQUALIA

  • 10:00h - 10:15h - Hydrodynamic Study of a Drinking Water Supply Tank using Computational Simulation Tools (CFD) - Rosario Arnau - FACSA

  • 10:15h - 10:30h - Design and Construction of Marine Pipelines for Desalination Plants, by HDD, in Egypt - Eloy Pita - INCREA

  • 10:30h - 10:45h - Comparative Study of Membranes in the Llobregat Desalination Plant - Carlos Miguel - ATL

  • 10:45h - 11:00h - Novel Filter Media as Pretreatment for Reverse Osmosis Systems - Lyvia Mendes - AQUALIA

  • 11:00h - 11:15h - The Future in SWRO Design, Operation, and Membrane Selection Criteria in the Spanish Mediterranean Region - Álvaro Lagartos - LG CHEM


09:15h - 11:15h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 3


Moderators: Alejandro Zarzuela / Bartolomé Marín


  • 09:15h - 09:30h - Evaluating the effect of membrane and feed spacer in biofouling development using Fortilife™ Director™ - Antonio Casañas - DuPont

  • 09:30h - 09:45h - Cartridge Filter Fouling as Evidence of Pretreatment Failure in Reverse Osmosis Plants - Nuria Peña - GENESYS MEMBRANE

  • 09:45h - 10:00h - Sustainable Treatment of the Reuse of Cooling Tower Blowdown Water using Reverse Osmosis - Jordi Aumatell - ADIQUIMICA

  • 10:00h - 10:15h - CO2 and Cost Savings on Ashkelon SWRO Plant Achieved by Switching to Phosphorus-Free Antiscalant - Daniela Vidal - H2O INNOVATION Inc

  • 10:15h - 10:30h - Use of High-Precision Laser Nephelometry for Particulate Monitoring and Silt Density Index Surrogation Parameter - Luis Navarro - HACH LANGE

  • 10:30h - 10:45h - Biofilm Detection & Control with Chlorine Stabilizer in Industrial Applications Using Surface Water and Recycled Water Sources - Johan Hutsebaut- SOLENIS HISPANIA

  • 10:45h - 11:00h - Fouling in Osmosis Membranes for Surface Water Purification. Cerro de los Palos Pilot Plant, Toledo - Manuel Ortiz - FACSA

  • 11:00h - 11:15h - Case Study: the Use of a Novel Antiscalant to Prevent Iron Fouling in a Brackish Water RO System - Daniele Strongone - AMERICAN WATER

11:15h - 11:40h<br /> COFFEE BREAK - NETWORKING


11:40h - 13:45h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 4


Moderators: Jon Beristain / Mª Carmen García


  • 11:40h - 11:45h - Session sponsored by AQUALIA
    Some Lessons Learned in Desalination and Water Reuse. Perspective from Almeria - Alejandro José Jurado - AQUALIA

  • 11:45h - 12:00h - The Challenges and Innovations of Sustainable Desalination in Hong Kong - Jose Andres Bidaurrazaga - ACCIONA

  • 12:00h - 12:15h - Water mining project: A flexible wastewater resource recovery scheme with value sensitive design (VSD). La LLagosta WWTP Case Study - Teresa de la Torre - SORIGUÉ

  • 12:15h - 12:30h - Lessons Learned on Submarine Outfalls and Immisaries - Nuria Saiz - TYPSA

  • 12:30h - 12:45h- Desalination Plants, the Value of Design - José Luis Marín - AQUALIA

  • 12:45h - 13:00h - Results from the Application of a Machine Learning Optimization Algorithm Applied to the 14,000 m3/day Fonsalia Seawater RO System - Sandro Hansen - SYNAUTA

  • 13:00h - 13:15h - Macro-Desalination Plant "La Campana" In Cartagena. The Solution to the Historic Water Deficit of the Segura River Basin - Jose David Moreno - VOLS PARTNERS

  • 13:15h - 13:30h - 30 Years of Water Reuse in Tenerife - Ana Sánchez - BALTEN

  • 13:30h - 13:45h - ATP Study in Large Scale Desalination Plants - Guillermo Hijos - ACCIONA



11:45h - 13:45h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 4


Moderators: Antonio Ordoñez / Elena Crespo


  • 11:45h - 12:00h - Ultimate Project: Water Treatment and Reuse in the Agri-Food Industry - Antonio Giménez - AQUALIA

  • 12:00h - 12:15h - Innovation in the Pretreatment of Seawater Desalination Plants with High Organic Load Episodes. ROWSIP Project - Belén Gutiérrez - GS INIMA

  • 12:15h - 12:30h - Study of Cell Counting (TCC) in the Marine Desalination Plant, ITAM Tordera using Flow Cytometry - Carmelo Llorente - TEQMA

  • 12:30h - 12:45h- Obtaining Ultrapure Water from Wastewater using Membrane Technologies - Carlos Andecochea - LEITAT

  • 12:45h - 13:00h - Combination of UF and Desalination Technologies for the Treatment of Refinery Treated Effluents - Carlos Benito - DINOTEC

  • 13:00h - 13:15h - Reducing the Conductivity of Reverse Osmosis Reject Water and Eliminating the Use of Dilution Water - Fco. Javier García - FACSA

  • 13:15h - 13:30h - LIFE-3E: Salinity Gradient Energy Recovery for Sustainable Water Reclamation in Coastal Wastewater Treatment Plants - Elisa Mazo - MARE

  • 13:30h - 13:45h - Research on the Performance of PVDF Submerged Ultrafiltration Membrane in Municipal Wastewater Regeneration Treatment- Lluis Altimira - CHEMIPOL

13:45h - 15:00h<br /> LUNCH - NETWORKING
15:00h - 15:30h<br /> VISIT POSTER AREA






  • Optimisation of a reverse osmosis process for the reduction of sulphate content in surface water by integrating advanced continuous instrumentation - Luis Navarro - HACH LANGE SPAIN

  • The performance analysis of a full-scale SWRO desalination plant - Alejandro Caballero - BIOAZUL

  • Production of water with RO for paint manufacturing in the automotive industry - Jorge Domínguez - VIVAQUA INTERNATIONAL

  • Pilot-scale validation of a naturally occurring multifunctional organic polymer for drinking water treatment - Lydia Sáez - CANAL DE ISABEL II

  • Enhanced Salt Removal by 2ICP/EDM to Producing potable Water and convention of brine into high solubility liquid salts - Amin Rostami-Ravari and Reza Bazargan-Lari - Islamic University

  • A low-cost continuous measurement system to learn the relationship between the electrical conductivity "EC" and the temperature "T" in brackish waters - Federico León - Universidad de la Palmas de Gran Canaria

  • The influence of temperature in the performance of a non-stirred anaerobic bioreactors for the wastewater treatment - Teresa Pérez - Universidad de Sevilla


15:45h - 17:00h<br /> ROUND TABLE 1




MODERA: Bartolomé Marín / Noemí Sánchez



  • Manal Almadi - Deputy Governor of Strategic Partnerships - Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC).

  • Shannon K. McCarthy - General Secretary - International Desalination Association (IDA).

  • Ursula Annunziata - President - European Desalination Society (EDS).

  • Juan Pablo Camezzana - Member of the Board of Directors - Latin American Association for Desalination and Reuse (ALADYR).

  • Carmen Hernández de Vega - Technical Coordinator - Spanish Association for Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS).

  • Sergi Martí - President - Spanish Association of Water Sector Companies (AQUA ESPAÑA).


17:00h - 18:15h<br /> ROUND TABLE 2

The future of non-conventional water resources in Latin America

MODERA: Antonio Casañas / Miguel Ángel Sanz



  • Monica Porto - Professor of Environmental Engineering - University of São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Patricio Herrera - General Manager - ECONSSA, Chile.

  • Ernesto Zaldívar - Director of water and sanitation projects - PROINVERSION, Peru.

  • José María Blasco - Director of Infrastructure, Health and ICT - ICEX Exportación e Inversiones.


20:00h Departure by bus from Hotel Abades Nevada to Gran Vía. 15 minute walk along a cobbled area with restricted access. Comfortable shoes are recommended.


21:00h - 22:30h: Cocktail and AEDyR AWARDS awards ceremony.

22:30h - 01:30h: Dinner and show-celebration of the 25th anniversary of AEDyR.

From 1:00h buses will leave from the same place of arrival, with the last trip to the hotel at 2:00h.
09:45h - 10:00h<br /> PRESENTATION OF THE DAY


10:00h - 11:45h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 5


Moderators: Noemí Sánchez / Miguel Ángel Sanz


  • 10:00h - 10:15h - Harnessing Brine for the Generation of Blue Energy: Life HyReward Project - Patricia Terrero - SACYR AGUA

  • 10:15h - 10:30h - Advanced Regenerated Water Production Process for Nutrient and Brine Valorisation in the City of Murcia - Adriana L. Romero - CETAQUA

  • 10:30h - 10:45h - Modelling and Economic Study of a Nanofiltration Membrane System for the Recovery and Valorisation of Phenolic Compounds from Stillage Residues Derived from Wine Production - Alexis López - Universitat Politècnica de València

  • 10:45h - 11:00h - Selection of Membranes and Operation Modes for the Treatment of Highly Concentrated Brines by Membrane Distillation - Juan A. Andrés-Mañas - Universidad de Almería

  • 11:00h - 11:15h - An Innovative Membrane Process with Microfiltration and Reverse Osmosis Treating the Effluent (Wastewater) Produced in a Cheese Industry (chees whey) to get “Waste 0” and Sub-Products - Alejandro Caballero - BIOAZUL

  • 11:15h - 11:30h - Economic Valuation of Brine Rejects from Desalination Plants - Marcos García - Instituto Universitario del Agua y de las Ciencias Ambientales

  • 11:30h - 11:45h - Desalination Based on Mechanical Vapor Compression Technology: History and Latest-Advances - Pablo Calleja - Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena


10:00h - 11:45h<br /> TECHNICAL SESSION 5


Moderators: Ana López / Jon Beristain


  • 10:00h - 10:15h - Energy Recovery in Desalination Plants - José Luis Marín - AQUALIA and Jesús Rivas - WEG IBERIA

  • 10:15h - 10:30h - Evaluation of the Pretreatment of Seawater with Nanofitration in Solar-Powered Multi-Effect Distillation Processes - Lidia Roca - CIEMAT

  • 10:30h - 10:45h - Integration of the Pressure Exchanger (PX) Device in Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Systems, first BWRO in the United States Integrating the LP PX device - Ángel Abajas - Energy Recovery Inc (ERI)

  • 10:45h - 11:00h - Subsea Desalination - a New Adaptation of SWRO Leading to Significant Energy Savings and Greatly Reduced Environmental Impact - Christian Abelsson - FSUBSEA AS

  • 11:00h - 11:15h - Energy Efficiency Improvement at Mar de Alborán WWTP (Almeria) - Francisco Urquijo - AQUALIA

  • 11:15h - 11:30h - Benefits of Operating Positive Displacement Pumps and Active Energy Recovery Systems in Parallel - Javier Lorenzo Moral - DANFOSS

  • 11:30h - 11:45h - ROptimax: Optimizing Design & Performance of SWRO Desalination Plants - Fernando Suarez - INEXA

11:45h - 12:15h<br /> COFFEE BREAK - NETWORKING
12:15h - 12:25h<br /> STRATEGIC PRESENTATION

Ammar Alnumani - Researcher - Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC).

“Brine's Valuable Products”
12:25h - 13:30h<br /> ROUND TABLE 3


Moderators: Domingo Zarzo / Ana López




  • Patricia Lopez - Senior Infrastructure Finance Specialist - Water Global Practice World Bank.

  • Eduardo Orteu - Of Counsel en Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.



D. Hugo Morán Fernández

State Secretary for the Environment, MITECO

D. Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla

General President of the Junta de Andalucía

Dª Carmen Crespo DÍaz

Regional Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of the Andalusian Regional Government

D. Ramiro Angulo Sánchez

Secretary General for Water of the Regional Government of Andalusia

Excmo. Sr. D. Francisco Cuenca RodrÍguez

Mayor of Granada

Mª Carmen García

SETA PHT / General Manager

Antonio Casañas

DUPONT WATER SOLUTIONS / Business Manager for Spain and Portugal

Jon Beristain

COBEN / Commercial Desalination Manager

Elena Crespo

ACCIONA / Technical Leader in desalination and potabilisation

Bartolomé Marín

AQUALIA / Head of Desalination and Reuse Department

Noemí Sánchez


Miguel Ángel Sanz

MS WATER CONSULT / President and founder

Domingo Zarzo

SACYR AGUA / Director of Innovation and Strategic Projects






In parallel to the celebration of the 13th edition of the AEDyR International Congress, the 1st Desalination and Reuse Technology Exhibition will be held, with an exhibition area for interested companies to show their latest developments to those attending the event.




  • Personalised documentation and accreditation
  • Programme
  • List of attendees
  • Access to all the presentations of the congress
  • Attendance to all the sessions of the technical programme that you wish, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Access to the stand area of the First Desalination and Reuse Technology Exhibition, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Coffee-breaks scheduled throughout the days 13, 14 and 15 June.
  • The networking lunches on 13 and 14 June.
  • 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 14 June
  • Exclusive visit to the Nasrid Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada on 13 June (Due to the monument’s own regulations, only those visitors registered with ID/Passport before 2 June will be able to access the visit)

(Registration fee does not include accommodation and transfers)

720 €

Early registration (until 03/04))

795 €

Normal registration (from 04/04 to 31/05)

895 €

Out of date (from 01/06)

– Members must be up to date with the 2023 membership fee at the time of registration. If this is not the case, they will have to pay the non-member price.
– Early registration or prompt payment only applies to registrations paid before 4 April.


(These prices are exempt from V.A.T. according to the law 37/92 Art.20. 1. 12º).


Accompanying persons tickets

If the participant wishes to bring a companion to the Gala Dinner, he/she must purchase an additional ticket with a cost of 150 euros + VAT for this activity. This ticket does not give access to the technical sessions of the event.



AEDyR reminds you that registration for our congress is personal. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of having someone else take your place. To cancel your attendance, please notify us at least 10 working days before the start of the event. After this period, the registration fee will not be refunded. AEDyR reminds you that entry to the event is only guaranteed if payment is made before the event date. Up to 5 days before the event, AEDyR reserves the right to change the date of the congress or to cancel it. In such cases, the amount paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will AEDyR be responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the attendee.


  • Personalised documentation and accreditation
  • Programme
  • List of attendees
  • Access to all the presentations of the congress
  • Attendance to all the sessions of the technical programme that you wish, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Access to the stand area of the First Desalination and Reuse Technology Exhibition, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Coffee-breaks scheduled throughout the days 13, 14 and 15 June.
  • The networking lunches on 13 and 14 June.
  • 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 14 June
  • Exclusive visit to the Nasrid Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada on 13 June (Due to the monument’s own regulations, only those visitors registered with ID/Passport before 2 June will be able to access the visit)

(Registration fee does not include accommodation and transfers)

820 €

Early registration (until 03/04))

895 €

Normal registration (from 04/04 to 31/05)

995 €

Out of date (from 01/06)

– Members must be up to date with the 2023 membership fee at the time of registration. If this is not the case, they will have to pay the non-member price.
– Early registration or prompt payment only applies to registrations paid before 4 April.


(These prices are exempt from V.A.T. according to the law 37/92 Art.20. 1. 12º).


Accompanying persons tickets

If the participant wishes to bring a companion to the Gala Dinner, he/she must purchase an additional ticket with a cost of 150 euros + VAT for this activity. This ticket does not give access to the technical sessions of the event.



AEDyR reminds you that registration for our congress is personal. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of having someone else take your place. To cancel your attendance, please notify us at least 10 working days before the start of the event. After this period, the registration fee will not be refunded. AEDyR reminds you that entry to the event is only guaranteed if payment is made before the event date. Up to 5 days before the event, AEDyR reserves the right to change the date of the congress or to cancel it. In such cases, the amount paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will AEDyR be responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the attendee.


  • Personalised documentation and accreditation
  • Programme
  • List of attendees
  • Access to all the presentations of the congress
  • Attendance to all the sessions of the technical programme that you wish, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Access to the stand area of the First Desalination and Reuse Technology Exhibition, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Coffee-breaks scheduled throughout the days 13, 14 and 15 June.
  • The networking lunches on 13 and 14 June.
  • 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 14 June
  • Exclusive visit to the Nasrid Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada on 13 June (Due to the monument’s own regulations, only those visitors registered with ID/Passport before 2 June will be able to access the visit)

(Registration fee does not include accommodation and transfers)

220 €

Early registration (until 03/04))

250 €

Normal registration (from 04/04 to 31/05)

300 €

Out of date (from 01/06)

– Members must be up to date with the 2023 membership fee at the time of registration. If this is not the case, they will have to pay the non-member price.
– Early registration or prompt payment only applies to registrations paid before 4 April.
– It applies to students (undergraduate or postgraduate) enrolled in a national or foreign university and who are not currently working in a company. A supporting document must be presented at the time of registration. The documents must be sent by email to aedyr@aedyr.com.
– In the case of the unemployed, they must present the INEM card that accredits them. The documents must be sent by e-mail to aedyr@aedyr.com.


(These prices are exempt from V.A.T. according to the law 37/92 Art.20. 1. 12º).


Accompanying persons tickets

If the participant wishes to bring a companion to the Gala Dinner, he/she must purchase an additional ticket with a cost of 150 euros + VAT for this activity. This ticket does not give access to the technical sessions of the event.



AEDyR reminds you that registration for our congress is personal. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of having someone else take your place. To cancel your attendance, please notify us at least 10 working days before the start of the event. After this period, the registration fee will not be refunded. AEDyR reminds you that entry to the event is only guaranteed if payment is made before the event date. Up to 5 days before the event, AEDyR reserves the right to change the date of the congress or to cancel it. In such cases, the amount paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will AEDyR be responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the attendee.


  • Personalised documentation and accreditation
  • Programme
  • List of attendees
  • Access to all the presentations of the congress
  • Attendance to all the sessions of the technical programme that you wish, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Access to the stand area of the First Desalination and Reuse Technology Exhibition, which will take place from 13 to 15 June.
  • Coffee-breaks scheduled throughout the days 13, 14 and 15 June.
  • The networking lunches on 13 and 14 June.
  • 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 14 June
  • Exclusive visit to the Nasrid Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada on 13 June (Due to the monument’s own regulations, only those visitors registered with ID/Passport before 2 June will be able to access the visit)

(Registration fee does not include accommodation and transfers)

680 €

Exclusive price for speakers

– Members must be up to date with the 2023 membership fee at the time of registration. If this is not the case, they will have to pay the non-member price.
– Early registration or prompt payment only applies to registrations paid before 4 April.

– If there is more than one speaker for a paper, only one speaker will benefit from this price.

(These prices are exempt from V.A.T. according to the law 37/92 Art.20. 1. 12º).


Accompanying persons tickets

If the participant wishes to bring a companion to the Gala Dinner, he/she must purchase an additional ticket with a cost of 150 euros + VAT for this activity. This ticket does not give access to the technical sessions of the event.



AEDyR reminds you that registration for our congress is personal. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of having someone else take your place. To cancel your attendance, please notify us at least 10 working days before the start of the event. After this period, the registration fee will not be refunded. AEDyR reminds you that entry to the event is only guaranteed if payment is made before the event date. Up to 5 days before the event, AEDyR reserves the right to change the date of the congress or to cancel it. In such cases, the amount paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will AEDyR be responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the attendee.


  • 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner, 14 June 2023
  • Attendance at the AEDyR AWARDS ceremony.

(Registration fee does not include accommodation and transfers)

150 €

(These prices are exempt from V.A.T. according to the law 37/92 Art.20. 1. 12º).


Accompanying persons tickets

If the participant wishes to bring a companion to the Gala Dinner, he/she must purchase an additional ticket with a cost of 150 euros + VAT for this activity. This ticket does not give access to the technical sessions of the event.



AEDyR reminds you that registration for our congress is personal. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of having someone else take your place. To cancel your attendance, please notify us at least 10 working days before the start of the event. After this period, the registration fee will not be refunded. AEDyR reminds you that entry to the event is only guaranteed if payment is made before the event date. Up to 5 days before the event, AEDyR reserves the right to change the date of the congress or to cancel it. In such cases, the amount paid will be refunded. Under no circumstances will AEDyR be responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the attendee.






The award ceremony will take place at the gala dinner





Strategic Sponsor




Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Lanyard Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Breackfast Sponsor

Session sponsor

Collaborating Sponsor

Sponsor presents the best paper award

Video Sponsor

Partner organisations

With the special contribution of:

Media Partners

Interested in sponsoring this event?

Sponsors, with their image, financial and marketing support, are a key and essential part of making the AEDyR International Congress a reality every two years and offer an incomparable setting for publicising your brand, showcasing your products and services and generating high-level contacts.

To make it easier for your company to participate as a sponsor of this event, we have prepared a series of categories that adapt to different budgets in order to be able to count on your participation..








As an attendee of our XIII International Congress, you can stay at the hotel where we will hold the event at a special price:


Hotel Abades Nevada Palace

Promotional code: AEDyRGRANADA



Double Room for Single Use (Bed and Breakfast): 90€

Double Room for Double Use (Bed and Breakfast): 100€



By selecting the hotel and the desired dates, you will be able to book your stay at the best available price.

Insert the promotional code.

This code will be available as long as there is room availability.

The dates of stay must be between 12/06/2023 and 16/06/2023.










In case you don’t find availability at the hotel where we will be holding the event, we have made a selection of other accommodation options in nearby hotels.









Únete y disfruta de las ventajas y sinergias de ser miembro de AEDyR